Count how many times I used the word true in this blog post...

I have very few pet peeves. One might be when people ask what kind of music I like. I am forced to sound like the most boring person who ever existed when I respond "oh I don't know, all kinds of music". Another pet peeve would be Pinterest quotes. They are so bad. If I was ever really talking to someone about trying hard at something and they told me that land among the stars if you miss the moon line I think I would go ballistic. So when Drew and I get talking about flag designs and ways that our flags can inspire people I am so so picky. It can't ever be cheesy, Pinteresty, or cliche. 

I remember the day he came to me with the "nothing changes if nothing changes" idea. I kept saying it over and over. It is brutally honest and when you look introspectively it is freaky to think about. I don't want to be a wife and mom who is always looking at her phone but instead one who is constantly engaging with the people around her. Well, NOTHING CHANGES IF NOTHING CHANGES, you freak. Or, I want to get in shape (this is obviously someone else's hypothetical situation because I am 8.5 months pregnant eating animal crackers while I write this post). Well, NOTHING CHANGES IF NOTHING CHANGES.

You guys get the point. It is so self explanatory because it is such truth. Nothing will change unless we make changes.

This is the heartbeat of The Parative Project. It is true with human trafficking. It is true with fast fashion. It is true of how we treat people and how we follow our dreams. If we don't make changes NOTHING WILL CHANGE. Chew on it. Sit on it. Look at how good the flag design is and then buy one and start ch-ch-ch-changing (no matter how baby the steps are at first).

*Can you tell this is my favorite flag yet?

Flags available in the shop!


Drew Oxley